1993-4 Footings baseplate, cloths and a lick of paint
1995 - 96 Hydraulic drive and steel rudder.
1996 - 97 Undercloth conversion
Basic Work 1993 - 97
We knew that we had taken on a daunting task. The first thing was to work out how we were going to use the boat. We wanted to be able to move the butty independently of the motor. This meant that we had to fit some sort of engine.
At the same time we wanted to retain, as far as possible, the appearance of a hundred year old boat.
It was likely that Tim would be living on the boat so it was essential to create a reasonably comfortable and well appointed living space.
We identified the four areas outlined below. These would take about four years to complete, but we planned the work so that we could use the boat for most of this period.
Back Cabin 1996 - 97